2019/20 Looking Through (POY)

This form must be received by the Competition Secretary by DATE TO BE CONFIRMED. It should be submitted electronically when completed by clicking the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page. Your entry can be edited up until the closing date.

We would like to display all the entries on this website. We will use our judgement to omit ‘sensitive’ images, if you want to decide for yourself tick the ‘Refuse Permission’ box against the relevant entry.

For Whilst the Club operates as a virtual club, competitons will be PDI only. More information will be sent to members shortly.

Full competition rules can be found here.

NOTE: If you get an error message when submitting your images it is probably caused by either

  • A slow internet connection so that the process times out before completing
  • The total size of your images is greater than the limit of 8Mb

To get around this upload fewer images at a time. Select and upload 1 or 2 images, submit these and see if that works. If so click the Edit button and you can upload more images. If this doesn’t fix things email webmaster@frodsham.photos.

PLEASE Do not use ANY punctuation marks, accents etc. in your image title as this causes extra work when preparing the competition.
ONLY use letters A to Z a to z and numbers 0 – 9 

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