Maria Falconer and Paul Hill

You may remember Maria Falconer MA MSc FRPS who made a presentation to the club recently on the subject of “dance” plus in the second half more “avant garde” images? She has contacted us to let us know that she and her partner Paul Hill are intending to do a couple of online workshops. If interested the details are below but do contact them now as we understand there are only a couple of places left …

Making Unique Portraits – Friday 27th Nov 2020

We often think of portraits as something rather formal and staged. But on this workshop we challenge traditional notions of portraiture, throw convention to the wind and breathe new life into this fascinating photographic genre.
There will be loads of input from the tutors as well as practical exercises and feedback sessions.
Full details and booking can be found here

©Paul Hill

The Bigger Picture – Saturday 31st October 2020 – 16th Jan 2021

This workshop is for photographers who are interested in getting involved with a group project around a theme. Eight participants with different photographic backgrounds and experiences will collaborate to produce a joint body of work.
It’s difficult to avoid the effects that Covid-19 is having on us all right now and so we have chosen the pandemic as our theme. The pervasive nature of the virus lends itself to a vast range of interpretations and responses, so there will be no right or wrong ways to tackle this.
This workshop will be a great way to expand your photographic knowledge and practice, develop a body of work and have a lot of fun!
Full details and booking

©Maria Falconer

All the workshops attract photographers from a wide range of backgrounds and experience levels.And we find that the rich mix works really well. But if you would like to chat about suitability then please don’t hesitate to give us a call or drop us an email. We would be delighted to advise.
For a list of all our upcoming workshops visit